The story begins in October 2005...specifically Friday 14th October 2005. This was the day that the poppy plant situated under one of our kitchen windows decided to flower for the second time that year. The one flower opened for just one day only. The cold weather saw to that! The other signicant news of the day was confirming my suspicion about being pregnant!
The continued story would have been perfect if Oskar had been around in June 2006 for the poppy flowering again. But as we know, babies arrive when they want (in Oskar's case, after much medical pursuasion). This next photo was taken 35.5 weeks later. It was 20th June 2006 and 3 days away from my due date. However, Oskar was determined to be a July baby and eventually arrived on 4th July!
Oskar first introduction to the poppies was on 2nd June 2007.
Every year since then, I've taken photos of Oskar next to the poppies and I'll continue to do so until he is all grown up. This years photos were taken yesterday (sunshine) and today (dull).
The continued story would have been perfect if Oskar had been around in June 2006 for the poppy flowering again. But as we know, babies arrive when they want (in Oskar's case, after much medical pursuasion). This next photo was taken 35.5 weeks later. It was 20th June 2006 and 3 days away from my due date. However, Oskar was determined to be a July baby and eventually arrived on 4th July!
Oskar first introduction to the poppies was on 2nd June 2007.
Every year since then, I've taken photos of Oskar next to the poppies and I'll continue to do so until he is all grown up. This years photos were taken yesterday (sunshine) and today (dull).
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